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Saturday, 27th July 2024

Irish Born Chinese

{All items tagged with funny}

    More Chinglish Even RTE news gets to report on Chinglish! [...]a petrol station might be called an ... (by None April 11, 2007)
    Toilet training vid This is really wierd to watch! I cannot believe they have a toilet training vid! ... (by None March 29, 2007)
    Sweet'n Sour Pork Stamps Um, not sure about these stamps that celebrate the Year of the pig, lick and ... (by None Jan. 11, 2007)
    Asian Squatting It’s a funny movie about Asian squatting. The thing is, squatting is a very country ... (by None Dec. 4, 2006)
    Know how to use chopsticks ... or you cannot pass the school entrance exams in an all-girls high school. Strange ... (by None Oct. 26, 2006)
    Chingrish The Chingrish in found in BoingBoing was pretty shocking and from that post, it shows ... (by None Sept. 12, 2006)
    Horse-riding, not as you know it HK can be strange. When it comes to beauty… stranger. I saw this in the ... (by None July 17, 2006)
    HK Bus Uncle Came across this in The Standard today. So did a search in YouTube, and OMG, ... (by None May 26, 2006)
    Alive alive-o-oh! Heh, I found this very amusing… four friends in HK decided to get together and ... (by None April 26, 2006)
    More Chingrish I wonder if Kieran find any more Chinglish signs… like what BWG found. (by None Feb. 23, 2006)
    Lunar new year celebrations You know, MMORPGs have come along way. I,myself, am a big fan off World of ... (by None Jan. 23, 2006)